How to Choose the Right Size Gun Safe

How to Choose the Right Size Gun Safe

21st Aug 2024

Choosing the right size gun safe is one of the most important decisions a firearm owner can make. It's not just about fitting your current collection—it's about future-proofing. You should ensure you have space for growth and make sure your safe fits seamlessly in your home. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of buying a gun safe that's either too small or too large for their needs. Let's examine the key factors to help you choose the perfect size gun safe.

Assess your current firearm collection

Before anything else, you need to take inventory of your guns. Start by listing off every firearm you own. Don't skip this step! Different types of firearms have different storage requirements. For example, rifles and shotguns need more vertical space, while handguns require less but might need special compartments or racks.

It's also essential to think ahead. Are you planning on adding more firearms to your collection in the future? If so, you should choose a gun safe that can accommodate the growth. Many firearm owners regret not considering future purchases when selecting a safe size.

Lastly, remember to include ammunition in your estimate. Ammunition takes up space, too, and it's often convenient to keep it in the same safe as your firearms. Ensuring room for both will help you avoid overcrowding your safe later on.

Understanding gun safe dimensions

When selecting a gun safe, it's important to understand the difference between interior and exterior dimensions. The exterior dimensions represent how much space the safe will occupy in your home. In contrast, the interior dimensions determine how much storage space you actually have for your firearms and other valuables.

Pay close attention to the safe's interior layout. Shelving and compartment space can significantly impact the number of firearms you can store. Look for safes with adjustable shelving that allow you to customize the interior based on your needs. This flexibility is especially useful if your collection includes firearms of varying sizes.

Additionally, consider the safe's height, width, and depth. Your largest firearm will dictate the minimum height, while the width and depth should comfortably accommodate the rest of your collection. Don't overlook door clearance—ensure the safe's door can open fully without hitting walls or other obstacles. A clear door is essential for easy access to your firearms.

Space in your home

Where you place your gun safe is almost as important as what you put in it. The size of the room where the safe will be plays a big role in determining the safe's dimensions. A large safe in a small room can feel overwhelming and impractical. Conversely, a small safe in a large room might be out of place and less secure.

Consider the room's layout and ensure there's sufficient space not just for the safe itself but also for you to access it comfortably. You should make sure there's enough room to open the door fully and that the safe is easily accessible in case of an emergency.

Weight is another factor you should consider. Large gun safes can be extremely heavy, and not all floors can support that weight. Check the floor strength where you plan to place the safe to ensure it can handle the weight. If not, choose a lighter, smaller safe or a different location.

Additional storage needs

A gun safe isn't just for firearms. Many gun owners use their safes to store other valuables, such as important documents, jewelry, and cash. So, if you plan on using your safe to store more than just guns, make sure you choose a safe that provides enough space for everything you intend to store.

Look for safes with organizational features like hooks, racks, and extra shelving. Organizational accessories can help you maximize the interior space and keep everything organized.

Practical examples and scenarios

Let's look at some practical examples to help you make the right decision.

  • Small Collection: A compact safe with customizable shelving should suffice if you have a small collection of 1-5 firearms. Look for a safe that offers some room for future expansion but is manageable for your space.
  • Medium Collection: A medium-sized safe is ideal for those with 6-10 firearms and additional storage for ammunition and other valuables. Ensure it has adjustable shelving and enough vertical space for rifles and shotguns.
  • Large Collection: You'll need a larger safe if you own more than ten firearms, including long guns. Look for one with multiple shelves and compartments to keep everything organized. Consider safes with added protective features like fireproofing or waterproofing.
  • Collector's Case: You may need a custom solution if you have a specialized collection, such as rare or antique firearms. In this case, consider safes with high-end features like humidity control, padded shelves, or custom interiors to protect your valuable collection.

Budgetary considerations

Size plays a big role in the cost of a gun safe. Larger safes are generally more expensive, so it's essential to balance your budget with your storage needs. While it might be tempting to save money by choosing a smaller safe, this can lead to problems if you outgrow it.

Think of your gun safe as a long-term investment. Spending a bit more now can save you money later, especially if it prevents you from buying a second safe or upgrading to a larger one. Look for sales, promotions, or financing options to make a larger safe more affordable if needed.


Choosing the right size gun safe is about more than just fitting your current firearms; it's about planning for the future, considering your space, and making a smart financial decision. Take the time to assess your collection, understand the dimensions you need, and consider where the safe will go in your home.

Remember, the right size safe meets your current and future needs, fits comfortably in your space, and stays within your budget. If you need more clarification, visit a showroom or consult an expert for personalized advice. Making the right choice now will give you peace of mind for years.